FIGHTNIGHT LIVE returns with $5 PPV cards
As America continues to face the public health and economic challenges of the COVID-19 global pandemic, many questions exist for fighters and regional/club show combat sports promoters. When will we be back in the ring? If empty arenas are mandated to slow the spread of COVID, how will fans be able to support us? Without ticket sales, how can our business survive?
With more than nine million views and 48 broadcasts under its belt, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast looks to meet those difficult interrogatories head-on. The interactive, fan-friendly Facebook series – which has given a global platform to nearly 800 fighters since May 2017 – now gives regional shows and club promoters a Pay Per View option, enabling the bell to ring once again in early June.
#Boxing and #MMA Promoters are now in a 12-18 month world where ticket revenue will be limited or won't exist at all.
So, how can they keep their fighters fighting? We have a solution here, $5 at a time!#FIGHTNIGHTLIVE #LinacreMediaOnTV ???????
— FIGHTNIGHT LIVE (@fightnightlive_) May 26, 2020
“This has been a challenging time for so many, and we’re incredibly pleased to introduce a Facebook option that can enable fight cards to happen safely, with socially-distanced crowds or even without fans in the stands,” said Mark Fratto, Principal and Director of Business Development, Linacre Media. “The top promoters in boxing and MMA have lucrative broadcast and streaming deals, but regional/club promoters have limited options without ticket revenue. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE PPV can be a path forward; a public health-conscious and financially-responsible way to get fighters fighting again.”
Contracts have been issued, and FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Summer 2020 PPV shows will be officially announced in the coming weeks as athletic commissions approve event dates.
For three-straight years, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast has served combat sports fans and fighters alike by providing a far-reaching, free platform. With more than 100,000 Facebook followers comprising a loyal base that has translated to massive online audiences, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE PPV has the ability to get fighters fighting and promoters promoting at a reasonable price point to the fan. Promoters can set the PPV cost for their events, however FIGHTNIGHT LIVE PPV is recommended at $5 per show.
“Thanks to the steadfast commitment from our partners at Everlast, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE PPV shows will be affordable for fan consumption, and the low production price point will enable promoters to get their fighters back in the ring as soon as they can get commission-approved, safe dates,” said Fratto. “And of course, the safety of the fighters, officials and everyone involved will be paramount. Our production crews will operate with testing, masks, social distancing and will even work offsite, REMI-style, when appropriate.”
Now beginning its fourth season, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast is the fan-friendly Facebook platform that – among other aspects – prides itself on the real-time conversations held between fight commentators and the viewing audience. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has showcased more than 760 fighters and 20 promotions during 48 live event broadcasts from 21 different cities since May 2017, and in doing so, the interactive platform has generated the loyal interest of fight fans from across the United States and around the globe, including significant audiences in Mexico, the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, and even fans in South America, Asia and Australia.
Marquis Johns is a unknown humorist and avid boxing fan. His love for the sweet science goes back to when matches were 15 rounds and has been covering fights since closed-circuit pay-per-views. Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth is not only a quote by Mike Tyson, it's also a pretty good reminder to keep your guard up.